ホーム > CDカタログ > ゴア・トランス > Astral Projection / Goa Classics Remixed [TIP]
Astral Projection / Goa Classics Remixed [TIP]
Astral Projection [アストラル・プロジェクション] Goa Classics Remixed [ゴア・クラシックス・リミックスド] TIP Rec. [ティー・アイ・ピー] UK [イギリス] TIPR14 CD 2014.11 Goa Trance -------------------- 1. X-Dream / Rain (Astral Projection Remix) 2. The Infinity Project / Stimuli (Astral Projection Remix) 3. Blue Planet Corporation / Overbloody Flood (Astral Projection Remix) 4. The Infinity Project / Feeling Very Weird (Astral Projection Remix) 5. Prana / Mugen (Astral Projection Remix) 6. Hallucinogen / LSD (Astral Projection Remix) 7. Electric Universe / Rain (Astral Projection Remix) 8. Blue Planet Corporation / Midian (Astral Projection Remix)