ホーム > NEW ARRIVAL > ダーク・サイケ > V.A. / The Journey Within [Active Meditation] (Dark)
V.A. / The Journey Within [Active Meditation] (Dark)
V.A. Compiled By Demoniac Insomniac [コンピレーション] The Journey Within [ザ・ジャーニー・ウィズィン] Active Meditation Rec. [アクティヴ・メディテーション] Macedonia [マケドニア ] AMMCD008 CD 2018.07 Dark Psychedelic Trance -------------------- 1. Kraft / Dreamspell 2. Demoniac Insomniac / Radical Freedom 3. Retohmorgon / Necropotence 4. Demoniac Insomniac / Water Memory 5. Mindzik / S.A.R.P. 6. Karash & Kinetik Flux / Le Culte De La Lune 7. Goya / La Medicina De La Gente 8. Telepathic Creatures vs. Mind Oscillation / Brain Manipulation 9. Xochipilli / Umma Trance Gumma 10. Nutram Kalku / Shivaratri